Dr. Xiaoqi Jiang is a board-certified Acupuncture Physician. She has been studied and practice acupuncture in China and in the United States. She obtained her Master’s Degree in Chinese Medicine from the Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine (ATOM) in Fort Lauderdale. Her training consisted of a Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Diet and Nutrition.
Dr. Jiang is the top of rated at www.ratemds.com, as an Acupuncturist in Boynton Beach and Delray Beach FL
Her patients say: “It’s a pleasure to work with such a talented doctor". " We get immediate results here". "We walk out feeling better than when we come in”. “Dr. Jiang goes that extra mile to get her patients better quickly.”
Treatment Specialties
Dr. Jiang specializes in pain management, with a particular focus on sciatica, migraine and severe limb, neck, hands, feet and lumbar pain. She utilizes a combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine when working on pain-related cases.
She’s an expert in Facial Enhancement acupuncture, specifically, for patients suffering from Bell’s Palsy and Shingles. In addition, Dr. Jiang has been helping numerous patients with weight loss problems. She uses Yin and Yang balancing methods to keep patients healthy. This approach may improve the body’s resistance to disease and strengthen the body and immune system. As a general practitioner Dr. Jiang can help you with a variety of illnesses and concerns including:
Facial spasm
Digestive problems
Anxiety or depression disorders
About Dr. Xiaoqi Jiang
AP. Dipl. AC. FEA
Ph: (561) 359-3333
Fax: (561) 774-2131
Cell: (561)440-7999
Chinese Acupuncture Clinic
3795 W Boynton Beach Blvd, #C
Boynton Beach, FL 33436